PhD, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology (1995)
M.S., University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Optics (1989)
B.S., University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Optics (1986)
Academic Appointments
Laboratory Director, Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology, China (2001-present)
Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2001-present)
Associate Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1999-2001)
Lecturer, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1998-1999)
Research Fellow, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1997-1998)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Electromagnetic Theory and Microwave Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1995-1997)
Engineer, Guoguang Electronic Tube Works, China (1989-1992)
Study of the efficient hybrid method for coupling between intense EMP and power transmission lines in large area environment, National Natural Science Foundation of China (61771407)
Research Group
Theory and Technology of Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electromagnetics.
1. Yin Zhang, Cheng Liao, Rui Huan, Yuping Shang, and Haijing Zhou, Analysis of Nonuniform Transmission Lines with a Perturbation Technique in Time Domain, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 62(2): 542-548 (2020).
2. Yin Zhang, Cheng Liao, Yuping Shang, Wei Du, Rui Huan, and Zhihong Ye, Analysis of the Field-Line Coupling of the Transmission Line above an Orthogonal Ground Plane through Electromagnetic Reciprocity Theorem, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 62(2): 580-588 (2020).
3. Rui Huan, Cheng Liao, Yuping Shang, Dongmin Zhang, PE-TL Hybrid Method of Solving the Coupling Between Two-Wire Line and External Electromagnetic Pulse in Large-Scale Environment, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 62(5): 1723-1731 (2020).
4. Jie Luo, Zhihong Ye, and Cheng Liao, “A MPI-Based Parallel FDTD-TL Method for the EMI Analysis of Transmission Lines in Cavity Excited by Ambient Wave, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 62(1): 212-217 (2020).
5. Rui Huan, Cheng Liao, Ye, Zhihong; Luo,Jie; A time domain hybrid method for the coupling of two wires above the ground excited by electromagnetic pulses, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62(3):1117-1124 (2020).
6. Zhang Dong-Min, Liao Cheng, Zhou Liang,Deng Xiao-Chuan,Feng Ju, Reliable approach for bistatic scattering of three-dimensional targets from underlying rough surface based on parabolic equation. Chinese Physics B, 27(7): 074102 (2018).
7. Y. Chen, W. Lin, C.Ma, and C. Liao, A novel unidirectional multi-dipole broadband antenna element, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60(12): 2983-2988 (2018).
8. Liang Zhou, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong, Qinghong Zhang, and Dongming Zhang, An Alternative Direction Decomposition Scheme and Error Analysis for Parabolic Equation Model. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 65(5): 2547-2557 (2017).
9. Min Zhang, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong, Zhihong Ye and Yong Li, Solution and Design Technique for Beam Waveguide Antenna System by Using a Parallel Hybrid-Dimensional FDTD Method. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16: 364-368 (2017).
10. Zhihong Ye, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong and Min Zhang. The research and application of a novel time domain hybrid method for EMI analysis of lumped circuits in a shielded device. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 58(4): 964-970 (2016).
Computational Method in Electromagnetic Field